You are not small

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There lived a boy. He was unhappy with his life. His job was to clean the king’s palace. His earning was meagre. His family survival was becoming very difficult with his low income.  His wife and other family member always taunting him for his poor job and earnings. They always taunted him, “see our neighbour’s boy is how successful, friend’s son is also earning very good income but only you are not able to earn a decent income. The boy always think that his luck is not good. God is also not helping him. Sometimes he thought to do suicide. One day a monk came to the king’s palace. He was preaching that people should focus on their destiny. Everyone has to do good work so that his life become more calm and happier.

The boy liked the teachings of the monk and he started giving more focus on his work. He used to do lot of work. People were happy with this work. They started giving him some extra amount of money. This way his income had increased. Now, his family was happier.  But, after certain time family desires increased and the extra income also become less.

The boy life became shattered and reached at the same point as it was previously. Again, he remembered what the monk said. The boy started doing more hard work. By seeing his hard work his master has increased his salary little bit. Now everything was good in his family. Again, the family wish had increased and the boy income became less. Thereafter, the boy again worked harder. His work was so intense, his master felt pity on his condition.

One day his master called the boy and said to him, “see your health condition, you are working in the sleep also. Earlier, I thought you are a good and intelligent person but now I think you are foolish.

His master gave him some money and told to go to his home for rest. When health improves then come back. The boy took the money. He was on the way to his home. He saw the monk coming on the way. The boy asked the monk, “he never done anything wrong to any person and as he said worked harder. But why his condition had not improved. Why he is a poor person? My condition has improved for a while but again it spoilt. I not is a position to work further because I became weak.  Kindly guide me.”

The Monk told, generally we all see only sorrow, we not see our happiness. He asked to the boy, do you have family, do you have wife, children, parents and a house. The boy told, yes. Then the monk said, for some persons they do not have all these. Some persons do not have family, home and even there are people who do not get sufficient food to eat.  The Monk asked do your suffering is more than that. If you see from my vision then you are happier than those people. Then the boy asked, do I need to stop here and I should not worry or I should not desire for more income or more good life?

The Monk said, no. You must progress. You must do work so that life of your family become prosperous and they also progress in their life but if you are unhappy and then you are thinking that you will become prosperous, it is not possible. Whatever you have you enjoy it. You became happy then only you could do much better work.

The boy told, yes you are right but there is a limit to do the hard work. I am so weak that I cannot do much work. Then the monk took the boy on the way to the palace. He made a circle and told the boy to stand in between the circle. You have to go to the palace and touch the palace wall and come back but the condition is, you cannot come out of this circle. The monk instructed the boy.  The boy said, how could be possible unless I come out of this circle? It is not only impossible for me but for anyone.

The monk said, okay, then you do one thing you can break the circle, go and touch the wall of the palace and come back. It will take around 12 hours. The monk was waiting for him at the starting point.

The boy started his journey and returned back within six hours. The monk could not believe him and stated questioning his integrity. Listening their conversation some people gathered around. One person from the crowd suggested why can’t you again complete task and prove your point.

The boy said, today I am very tired. I can do it tomorrow. Thus, it was decided that tomorrow one person will stand at the palace and the boy have to take some object from the person as a proof. Next day the boy started his journey and completed the task within five hours itself.

Everybody was amazed with boy energy and honesty. Many people have offered him job with 4 to 5 times increase of his previous income.   The boy asked the monk, what is happening here I could not understand. The monk told if you work in the limited boundary, you will earn limited only. There is a limit for a hard work. If you want to progress you have to break the limit. Sometimes even though you break your limits but you have not shown your work and your talent to other person, you cannot progress in the life. At first when you completed the task nobody had saw you. That is the reason nobody had believed you. 

In second time when you have done the same things but this time you had shown it to the other people then everybody has believed you. This has opened a way for your success. So, remember wherever you go you don’t put yourself in the limited boundary.

The boy asked, is there any other way to make progress in the life? Yes, there is. But it is little difficult.  The monk told to the boy you have completed your journey from here to the palace in 5 hours, the same journey you have to complete within two hours. Could you able to do it?

Listening the monk, the boy asked how it could be possible.  The monks replied I don’t know. This is the way for only those who could make impossible to possible. When you are able to do then you come to me. You are seeing the way which is built by somebody else. The distance already had been fixed. Whatever hard work you do you cannot make it short. Those who want to become successful in short time they are building their own way. The never go on others path. 

Building own way is very difficult. You will face many challenges. Sometimes your hope will break, afraid of losing everything, even your life. There will fear of failure too. People will tell you fool. They will laugh at you. Obstacles will come to your way. Your own will leave you.  Those who induced all these things he become successful. Then people will start following you. People will work on your way.

After a long struggle he thought to make a way from the forest.  The forest was full of deadly animals. He put his life into danger started building way from that forest. Those who are saw the boy making way from the forest told him as a fool and mad. One day a snake bites the boy when he was doing his work in the forest. He was about to die but the monk has saved his life. After so many years of hard work he was able to build a way to the palace. The boy work was a subject of discussion in the whole town and the king was also keeping eyes on him. When he completed the way, the king has come and saw the way.

The boy went to the monk and he told Guruji, now I can complete the way to palace into hours. The king also inspected the road and told him that he was planning from so many years to build a road which could shorten the path from the king’s palace to this place. But you have done it. The king offered the boy a very good post in his cabinet with handsome salary. The boy told the monk, “Today whatever I have done and whatever I am is because of you.  Today everybody, the boy family, friends, relative and other person was speechless by seeing his success.

The monk told we all born with unlimited capacity but our society and our own thinking restrict us in doing anything great but we have to break all these boundaries. We always want to follow others path in life. We always tried to see the easy path. We could not take the chance. We could not face the difficulty. But this all are very necessary to get success. Without difficulties, challenges and obstacles we cannot reach to our destiny.

Morale of the story is;

  1. Work hard with honesty.
  2. You need a mentor/guide who take you on the right path.
  3. Always, be happy.
  4. Break the boundaries and make your own rule.
  5. Show your talent.

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