How to improve communication skill and 7 ways of effective communication

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How to improve communication skills- it is a very common question most people ask. This is because they know the importance of communication skills. If you don’t know the importance of communication skills, go and visit the article “Importance of Communication Skill for Success“.

Now we will see how to improve communication skill. Here, i am sharing 7 effective ways of communication techniques. If you follow it will improve your communication skill.

Point to be kept in mind for effective communication skill is:

For improving communication skills and to make your communication more effective you must keep in your mind the 7 points i.e., your message should be clear, concise, concrete, correct, complete. While conveying your message you must be courteous and consider the level of knowledge and skill set of the receiver.

  1. Clear: Clear means while communicating you should be clear about your purpose of communication or goal of communication. At one time you take about one idea only. If you club many ideas in a single sentence, it will difficult for the people to remember and act on them. Always use simple and easy-to-understand language. If you are writing a letter or email make sure to use simple and short sentences instead of a clumsy and long one. If a message is conveyed through handwritten material, ensure that handwriting is legible and clear.
  2. Concise: If a message can be communicated in 2 sentences, it is not wise to speak 5 sentences. Time is precious and in the present situation, no one has time. People’s attention time also reduced. Hence, do not make people bore by communicating the ideas in long sentences.
  3. Concrete: Concrete means specific. Let us understand this through example. Let’s say Happiness. It is different for different people. A person suffering from prolong illness will be happier if his illness gets cured. A person who is facing a family clash will be happier if his family issues get solved. If a poor person gets a few lakhs amount of money he will feel happy but the amount of money will not give happiness to a rich person. So, it very from person to person. Hence, while conveying your message you must be concrete in your communication. Ex- I want 10 crores of money instead that I want to be rich.
  4. Correct: Correctness in communication convey that there should not be grammatical and typo error in your message. if facts and figures are used in the, check for its correctness and genuineness. Don’t blindly speak anything.
  5. Complete: Your message should be complete and it must cover questions like who has done, what has done, when it was done, where it was done, why it is done, how it is done, and how much done?
  6. Courteous: Communication should be courteous. Don’t use harsh words. People receive courteous behavior more easily. They will listen to you and in this way, you can convey your message. Example- “Please help me” can bespeak in a more courteous way like “Could you please me”.
  7. Considerate: The speaker must consider the receiver’s knowledge, mindset, background, etc before communicating. According to the level of knowledge convey the message. Talking to a child is different than to an adult. Many time it is seen that either the communicator speak above the level or below the level of understanding of the audience. That is the reason many of us will not become effective in our communication.

Above are the points one has to consider while considering effective communication. Anyone who will keep all these points, can greatly improve his communication skills. Hope you will keep in mind the points while doing communication and improve the communication skills.

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