Weakness Management Convert your weakness into strength

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Weakness management is not a big task and you can convert your weakness into strength. The only need is to identify weakness and require strong willpower to overcome upon. I am not talking about physical weakness like low body strength. Here, weakness means professional weakness. Inability like impatience, procrastination, disorganization, lack of confidence, insecurity, fear of public speaking, etc., and more cause hindrance to your career development.

Weakness management into strength – Understanding through story :

You might have heard or read in a story ” Ranga Siyar” i.e., Colored Jackal in English in your childhood. For better understanding once again I am narrating the story. The story goes like this.

One day a jackal went to a village in search of food. Village dogs have seen the jackal and started chasing him.Also While running away, the jackal falls into a tub. The tub was filled with water and blue color in it.

When the jackal came out, he becomes blue-colored. The dogs saw him and ran away. The jackal went to the forest. All animals including the forest king lion thought it is a supernatural animal with a superpower. All animals become afraid of him.

The jackal started ruling on the forest. One day all animals gathered for a meeting. In the meeting suddenly one jackal started producing sound hua….hua…..hua….By hearing another jackal sound, this colored jackal also starts producing hua …hua….hua…. sound. Hence, all animals recognized the jackal. they beat him up and throw him out of the forest.

That was the old story. In the present story, another jackal who is very clever went to the village for food. When the village dogs started chasing him, he entered a washerman’s house. He saw the tub filled with blue color water.

The jackal entered into it and colored himself in blue. He saw his body and thought to take advantage of it. He was also knowing the story of the previous jackal. So he was cautious.

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The jackal went to the forest. As usual, all animals become afraid of him. and the jackal started ruling on the forest. The jackal thought he should not hear the sound of any other jackal. Otherwise, he will also start producing the jackal sound and all will recognize him.

As well as he constructed a soundproof palace for himself. No outside sound will come to him. But, what about meetings? When all the animals gather for a meeting there may be possibilities that any jackal may start producing sound i.e., hua…hua…hua…… For this he appointed the lion as his prime minister and announced from today onwards “hua….hua….hua…” will be the forest national anthem.

Also If anyone caught not singing the national anthem prime minister lion will punish him. Now hua…hua…hua… is the national anthem and the jackal is the king of the jungle.

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Moral of the story: Everybody has one or another weakness. It is up to you either you can always complain about your weakness and leave with it. Or you can identify your weakness and try to find ways to overcome it.

The jackal has a weakness, if one jackal start producing sound another jackal cannot stop himself and he will also produce the same sound. As in the story, the jackal overcomes his weakness, you can also do. It is up to you how you can convert your weakness into your biggest strength.

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