Learn in 4 Steps to Make Year End Resolution Work

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People take new year resolution every year. Generally people filled with joy and enthusiasm. They want to achieve so many things in the coming year. People want to achieve anything and every thing which they have not achieved during during the past years. But according to a study, it is seen that more than 95% resolution take their last breath in the month of February itself. Like any other person I too dreamed off achieving so many things in one year. But I too failed to keep my promises which I made with myself.

Have you ever thought why it happens so? Initially I too wondered why I am not able to get what I want. I tried so many things. I made multiple plans but all went vain.

One fine day when I was looking back and thinking what I have achieved during last one year, I found that at least 3 to 4 goals I have achieved during the previous years. I got surprised how I have done it. When I reflect my action I found that during last few years I have done something different which I was not doing previously. I got four simple step formula to make my year end resolution to work. By using these simple steps I got success. If the formula worked for me, it will work for you as well.

Here I am sharing my success formula. Make use of it. This will make your end resolution to work.

  1. Reflect on present day position: Take a note on your present day position in terms of what you want to achieve in the future. Write it down in the dairy. What do you want to achieve in the coming times, write that too. One may ask whether writing is necessary. Yes, my friend it is very much needed because when you write something, it create clear impression in your mind. You have to keep one point in your mind that don not plan for many things. Plan for only one or two things which you are going to achieve in the coming times. You should set the time line within which you are going to make your dream true. So, setting an intention is very very necessary.
  2. Unlock your potential: Create motivation for change. Make plan, how you are going to accomplish the work. Break the whole work into small simple steps. Small steps are easy to take instead of one big steps. Whatever plan we make will not work because of the reason that in a single step we want to achieve all. Here, we forget that every big change come from little, simple and small change. In the morning, if one want to brush his/her teeth, first he has to wake up, take the brush, put paste on it and then brush the teeth. In your childhood you might have heard the story of thirsty crow. The crow had put pebbles in the pot one by one only water to come up in the pot. He not put all the pebbles in one go. So, it is important to break your work in to simple and small steps.
  3. Take action: Start working on one year end resolution at a time and take small simple steps everyday. Stick to the action you have committed to yourself. Allocate specific time slot out of 24 hours during that you are pursuing to your action only. Initially you may not feel the change but slowly you will realize that you have done so many things.
  4. Measures the result: Once you cross the set time you need to measure your achievements. How much you have achieved you goal. Unless you not measure your performance you are not able to know how much distance still you need to go. Find out the lacuna, if you have missed your year end resolution. Where you had missed, find out the grey area. Once identified the pain point, start from you left. Set the time, mark your target and READY, STEADY, GO…….

Conclusion: Break the bigger goal into smaller one and start taking small steps every day. You will definitely make your year end resolution work. I have full believe in you. Go and touch the sky…….

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