There are numerous profitable low Investment business ideas. Here, we focus on such business ideas which are best and to start these businesses, initial requirement of capital is also low. Anyone can start working on these best low investment ideas. Especially in 2021 because people are lost their jobs, difficult to find income source and survival is at stake.
Table of Contents:
business news SL. No. Best Business Ideas 1 Plant rental business 2 Mushroom cultivation 3 Goat Farming 4 Soft toy making Best low investment business ideas
Best Low Investment Business Ideas
1. Plant Rental Business:
Many offices, corporates, hotels, restaurants and big houses need plants for decoration of their places. If they grow the plants on their own, the cost will be high. Apart from cost, they do not have enough time for maintenance of plants.
One more benefit of taking plant on rental basis instead of growing them is getting variety of plants and according to season.
To start this business search for offices, apartments and homes who require plants on rental basis. Also, contact to nearby nursery for supply and maintenance of plants. You can have your own profit sharing criterion with the nursey. If you can see, to start this business you not require any money.
The only thing required is searching for offices, corporates, hotels, restaurants and houses where there is requirement of plants. Those who have good communication skill can crack may deals. If you want to improve communication skill can visit here.
2. Mushroom Cultivation:
Mushroom have high nutritious value. It is a rich source of protein. Fresh mushroom contains 3-7 % protein and when dry it contains 25-40% protein. Mushroom is good source of amino acids, amides and lysine. It have medicinal properties too. Mushroom is immune booster.
Consumption of mushroom reduces the spread and effect of cancer, heart diseases and HIV/AIDS. Hence, there is always demand for mushroom in the market but its supply is very low. So, those who wants to increase their income can start mushroom cultivation.
Within a limited space and with low investment mushroom cultivation can be started. Cultivated mushroom can be sold in the local market, supplied to near by hotels, restaurants and even can be exported at premium price.
Some mushrooms are toxic, so before cultivating you need to identify it. To know more about mushroom cultivation you can check here.
3. Goat Farming:
Goat farming play very important role in employment and income generation. Goat is reared for varied purpose like milk, meat, hide, manure and hair. Due to versatile use and varied characteristics goat is called “poor man’s cow” in India. Goat meat is called chevon. It is preferred over mutton. Goat meat is liked by people irrespective of castes.
Goat farming can be started with low investment. Inexperienced people can also start the goat farming. First he can start with one or two goat and then can be increased. In rural areas and especially by poor people goat farming is regarded as good source of income. Anyone with meager investment can adopt this system of cultivation.
4. Soft toy making
Soft toys making is best low investment ideas. Any one with low knowledge or little knowledge of making toys can start with. If someone not know the soft toys making, they can learn from various sources and then start their own business. Soft toys are liked by child to teenager. Children play with it while teenager use the soft toys to decorate their rooms.
Soft toys are also widely used for gift purpose. In India no many people involve in soft toys making. Most of the soft toys are imported in India from China. Hence, there is lot of scope in soft toys making and generating good income for himself and family.
Even though the above listed activities are low in investment. But still, any person need financial assistance, can approach to banks for loan. Apart from banks various other financial institution help the entrepreneurs in starting their business. NABARD provide financial assistance in the form of subsidies.
I hope you will take the benefits of all these best low investment business ideas. These business ideas is very much useful for year 2021, but it can be taken in any year.